Department of Computer Science and Computer Engineering
504 J. B. Hunt Building
1 University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR 72701
Phone: (479) 575-6197
Fax: (479)-575-5339
Computer-Aided Design
Computer-Aided Design (CAD), also referred to as Electronic Design Automation (EDA), uses computer software running in high-performance computing servers to design Very-Large-Scale Integrated (VLSI) Circuits, Packages, or Boards.
Modern computers benefit from Moore’s Law with an exponentially growing number of transistors and computing capabilities. State-of-the-art processors contain tens of billions of transistors per chip. However, the need for speed has never been greater. Emerging technologies such as AI, Machine Learning, Blockchain, and Smart Grid rely on these fundamental computing infrastructures to thrive. Electrical Vehicles, 5G mobile devices, and Internet-of-Things (IoT) also require energy-efficient computing power. However, the design complexity of high-performance and low-power systems has reached an unprecedented level that makes it impossible to design manually without help from computers.
Computer-Aided Design uses advanced algorithms, software tools, and AI techniques to assist hardware engineers with their design tasks. These CAD tools are used in all design steps, including modeling and simulation, circuit design and synthesis, placement and routing, analysis and optimization, verification and testing, and manufacturing. Research to enable new capabilities and integrate advanced technologies is a never-ending journey.
The Research Areas include:
Computer-Aided Design for VLSI Circuit, Packaging, and System Design
Heterogeneous 2.5D/3D Chiplet Design, Integration, and Optimization
Advanced Packaging Modeling, Analysis, and Optimization
Power Electronics Modeling, Circuit Design, and Layout Synthesis
Primary Faculty
Research Laboratories
Energy-Efficient Electronics and Design Automation (E3DA) Lab